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He received a DAAD scholarship from Berlin in 1984-6, enabling him to do research at Bremen University. He repatriated in 1991. 1957: arrested and sentenced in 1958 to 1 year and 4 months' imprisonment.

  1. Dr. Bazsó Péter: Szeretnék egy olyan rendszert, amiben hiszek
  2. Bazsó Péter: Az orrunk előtt hullik szét az egész rendszer
  3. Dr. Bazsó Péter - Idegsebész

Dr. Bazsó Péter: Szeretnék Egy Olyan Rendszert, Amiben Hiszek

After the defeat of the revolution, he went into exile in Denmark, where he came into contact with Povl Bang Jensen. Tasnádi, Frigyes (b. Researcher, Tungsram Electronic Works. Kell kompromisszumokat kötnie Dr. Bazsó Péter idegsebésznek Dr. Bazsó Péter igazgatóval? Dr. Bazsó Péter - Idegsebész. Jelenleg egy hajó nélküli kapitány vagyok, hiszen a kórház csak épül, aminek esetleg a kapitánya leszek. He took part in the '56 Revolution as a mechanical engineering student at the Budapest Technical University, leaving the country with his family at the end of November. 1956–1963: he was forbidden to publish. Kuczka, Péter (1923–1999). He worked with the poet Attila József as founder editor of Szép Szó, and on the staff of Szocializmus and the Social Democratic paper Népszava. 1956: worked for the newspapers Igazság and Egyetemi Ifjúság, settled in London, later lived in Paris and worked for the bimonthly Magyar Műhely, 1994: returned to Hungary.

Bazsó Péter: Az Orrunk Előtt Hullik Szét Az Egész Rendszer

1956: party worker, 1957-: Head of Department, Chinoin Pharmaceutical Works. Electrical engineer, economist. 1975–1982: Ambassador, stationed in Berlin and Moscow, 1983–1989: Secretary, CC of CP, 1989–1990: Provisional President of Hungary. He was editor of the periodical Új Symposion from 1976 until its closure in 1983. 1990-: Mayor, Town of Debrecen. 1956: member of the National Guard, then active in the post-revolutionary underground, sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment. General Secretary, National Association of People's Colleges. A few days later, the Soviet authorities hauled him off to Ukraine and imprisoned him there. 160 pages, by Ilona Dobos. Bazsó Péter: Az orrunk előtt hullik szét az egész rendszer. Member of Parliament 1990–1994.

Dr. Bazsó Péter - Idegsebész

Mészáros, István (b. Gráber, Margit (1895–1993). Economist, Universiy Professor. Bazsó Péter: Az orrunk előtt hullik szét az egész rendszer. Bánffy, István (1919–2005). Son of Imre Farkas who was executed in 1958 for having taken part in the Hungarian Revolution. Klenczer, András (b. Active member of the Imre Nagy group. Dr. Bazsó Péter: Szeretnék egy olyan rendszert, amiben hiszek. While studying at Veszprém University of the Chemical Industry he was held on a conspiracy charge and sentenced on April 4, 1951 to six years' imprisonment. 140 pages, by Zsuzsa Hajmási. Interviews that are fragmentary or were broken off for some reason are marked [Fragment].

160 pages, by Ágota Varga. Csoma Zsanett Renáta dr., Bottyán Krisztina dr., Dalmády Szandra dr. 376. Daughter of Árpád Brusznyai who was the Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of Veszprém County during the Revolution, and was executed in 1958. Mélik, Endre (1904–1991). Ez a lehetőség eddig hiányzott, a világjárvány viszont felgyorsította az évek óta vajúdó, úgynevezett Elektronikus Egységes Szolgáltatási Tér kialakítását. Daughter of Rudolf Földvári. 1949–1961: held several posts at the Ministry of Finance, 1961–1970: Director, National Bank of Hungary, 1970–1980: Head of Department, Ministry of Finance, 1980-: Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Labour. In '56 he was founder editor of the newspaper Népakarat.